
Search "user:Buddy2"

40 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - If I dont fianchetto my bishop, I dont know what to do with it. Can someone just share some principles for Bishop placement in the opening?#13

people were fianchettoing bishops at time of Morphy, Staunton, for example. He just didnt think it was any good. He never played d4 cause he didn't like closed games. I guess his thinking was, why tak…

General Chess Discussion - If I dont fianchetto my bishop, I dont know what to do with it. Can someone just share some principles for Bishop placement in the opening?#11

You're in good company. Morphy never fianchettoed bishops, unless he had to. And he hated to castle queenside too.

General Chess Discussion - chess IQ#4

people with really high IQs don't like to play chess because they can be made to look stupid by anybody who knows the game, even with a low IQ. There are morons who can really play well. I've seen man…

General Chess Discussion - A couple of questions about black openings?#4

at our level, almost anything is good if you are familiar with a few lines. in blitz, players sometimes play bizarre openings just to get you out of the book and annoy you and it often works!

General Chess Discussion - What is up with the people who offer draw when they are losing?#23

People offer draws in inferior positions in over the board games all the time. However on one site it was a strategy since you had to click "decline" every time to continue the game and if you were pl…

General Chess Discussion - Chess books#2

Got about 75 books. Have read through very few. Nimzowich My System is good but rigid. Any Soltis, Jeremy Silman is good. Alekhine game collections (by alekhine). Capablanca Chess Fundamentals. Fische…

General Chess Discussion - What rating can I ultimately hope to achieve?#6

Here's something interesting. When i was young (20s, 30's) I spent a lot of time studying and playing tournaments uscf. My rating was around 1500 uscf. Couldn't get any higher. Then when i got too bus…

General Chess Discussion - no resignation#8

I'm sure galaxie is correct. Not allowing people to start a new game before finishing an old one would work. I'm sure there's a way to keep track of disconnectors too, even if their opponents have to …

General Chess Discussion - no resignation#6

I don't really have as much a problem of dis connectors as "sitters" who move quite fast until they see they are losing, then they just sit for five minutes or more until the clock runs out. That's ju…

General Chess Discussion - no resignation#1

I'm sure this has been brought up time and time again. I'm a new user at this site and appreciate a free site that has good graphics and is well run. However, in the few days I've been playing, I've n…
