
What is up with the people who offer draw when they are losing?

I've offered draws in slightly losing positions and they have never once been accepted. Occasionally I will lose and occasionally I will win. It isn't that big of a deal. If you don't want to draw don't accept it. lol

____ the 'draw people' are a wonderful reminder to act with INTEGRITY! Unless my opponent has a brain seiszure (sic), I am about to resign from a well played game because I (NOBODY ELSE!!) was careless. What is the alternative? --> even if my opponent compellingly insists on a takeback, I could not stomach accepting a win after that. On the rare occasion such a thing might happen I would play the game for fun and then INSIST upon a draw since we were only 'playing it out' for enjoyment....
People offer draws in inferior positions in over the board games all the time. However on one site it was a strategy since you had to click "decline" every time to continue the game and if you were playing five minutes, that could be a distraction.

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