
Search "user:rajma420"

288 forum posts
Game analysis - Highest centipawn loss in real blitz game#1

This wasn't staged or anything, both of us are trying. I thought I had a cool sac and was hoping for a lower amount of blunders (until the end, because both of us were in time pressure). I think I hav…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle:#1

Bruh: Rx is wrong. It really doesn't matter you win anyway.

Game analysis - Hilarious resignation#1 I was so happy with getting a draw due to time pressure, and then this happened.

General Chess Discussion - My first ever positional/material queen sacrifice.#12

@Savage47 Well, I liked several things about my position. 1. If he didnt move his king, I had some ideas because the f7 pawn was pinned. 2. My bishop pair seemed to be pretty good, and since I activat…

General Chess Discussion - My first ever positional/material queen sacrifice.#9

Question, should i post this in game analysis?

General Chess Discussion - My first ever positional/material queen sacrifice.#8

@BlackSalt Yep, i completely overlooked dxe5 because as a 1575 ish player, a free queen is a free queen. He would not want to lose it (nf6 wins the queen). I was the same, I was happy with the thought…

General Chess Discussion - My first ever positional/material queen sacrifice.#7

@Sarg0n what Sorry I am a little busy, I can not reply to everyone yet. Sorry!
