
My first ever positional/material queen sacrifice.

Well blunders happen, he took the initiative and activated his pieces more than black, that's what worked for him.
@Savage47 Well, I liked several things about my position. 1. If he didnt move his king, I had some ideas because the f7 pawn was pinned. 2. My bishop pair seemed to be pretty good, and since I activated them, they became really good. 3. If he played certain moves that looked natural, I had several deadly combinations. If he tried something stupid, like f6 or kh8 he loses immediately. Almost no matter what he plays, Nc6 is coming, and while the engine gives that position a -2, I think it is pretty even. It's just blitz, you cant expect great play at my level. I saw some ideas, I do them. One mistake that I realized right after playing the move was 23. Bxf4. If I played 23. Nxf4, I think I was good there too. It was planned as well.
@BlackSalt Thanks, and I agree. My pieces became too powerful towards the end. Also, Wasn't the R+R+B vs. Q+3P
Completely winning for me? (Engine says I am losing). If I blocked his queen from coming to the 7th or 8th, I would be fine, right?
Always assume your opponent is going to play the best move. Even in blitz. Even at low levels. You evaluate the value of moves and positions based on best moves by both sides. That's why the engine is rating it as a blunder. Engines don't care what potential mistakes the opponent might make.

The bishop pair is worth less than a pawn as is the activity. 16. Nc6 wins most of the material back which is why its only giving a -2.7 eval up to that point but you notice it goes to -8 when you play 16. Rfxd1 instead.

When you make a sacrifice you are expecting to get something of equal or greater value in return. If you don't it's a blunder. If you had played 16. Nc6 you would still be giving up about a pawn's worth of material. As it was though you gave up a queen (worth 9 pawns) for positional advantages worth less than 2 pawns. So you lost around 7-8 pawns of value and that's the same answer the engine is giving too.

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