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2512 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Rating Vs Chess Rating#6

@MikeSturgess said in #1: > I'm just interested if anyone else finds that there puzzle rating is much higher than their chess ratings? Because ratings are relative. You must not ever assume that same …

General Chess Discussion - Can one move before the opponent pressed the clock?#5

I checked older version of the laws of chess. Yes late 1.1.2023 version makes it clear. Making a move is definitely allowed otherwise wording would be obsolete.

General Chess Discussion - Can one move before the opponent pressed the clock?#2

I am pretty sure rulings of this vary. So no definite answer. In my view opponen has made his move but is not complete. So moving should be allowed as long as you do not violate "A player must always …

General Chess Discussion - FIDE rating from lichess rating#11

rating deflation and inflation do take place all the time. But so slowly that it is impossible to measure. During covid there probably was some inflation but I don't know any meaningful way of measuri…

General Chess Discussion - FIDE rating from lichess rating#8

Well easy proof it average difference players ratings. because media is the same you can directly compare players strength. Due strong players rarely playing classic comparison is best on middle pack.…

General Chess Discussion - FIDE rating from lichess rating#6

FIDE ratings are standard as that is what people are interested and lichess is blitz because that is biggest pool Rating system in lichess keeps median at 1500 so if pools have weaker average strength…

General Chess Discussion - FIDE rating from lichess rating#4

Wiht new rating range you should be somewhre around1600-1800 but this is not easy task. Most Europe FIDE rating is fairly similar in every country. But for instance India below master level rating are…

General Chess Discussion - Best openings for black#13

@venter4971 said in #9: > Not really > > It's down a tempo and if your opponent knows what your doing then theres no chance > Sort depends on you definition on lower levels. B6 in lichess 1800 level m…

General Chess Discussion - Why most 2000 rapid players have 1800 blizs but I can't?#4

rating is in different pools are not directly comparable. Rating system maintains median rating at 1500. If pools have different people attending it will have different median strength as well. Also w…

General Chess Discussion - how to quit or abort games?#4

Assuming you are already playing you quit by resigning. Though you should not even resign without reason. Obviously there are situation you just must leave but once you started the game you should try…
