
Search "user:NoPawn"

20 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Too Many Ways to Castle (suggested option to reduce)#1

I meant to cancel a castling attempt by dropping the king where it wouldn't be valid. To my dismay, dropping the king on H1 made me castle and I got a lost position. Apparently the same thing occurs o…

Lichess Feedback - Bugged Color Assignment?#4

I'm guessing that it just treats choosing your color indiscriminately as an advantage and thus gives you Black to offset this. I'd understand it if I picked White but it makes absolutely no sense if I…

Lichess Feedback - Low time warnings are insufficient for increment play#4

If it's possible, I'd be happy to donate a little for a better implementation of this feature. The current design doesn't fulfill its goals. When using an increment, it's only a little better than use…

Lichess Feedback - Bugged Color Assignment?#3

The only thing that gives me White naturally is rematching someone.

Lichess Feedback - Bugged Color Assignment?#1

I queued almost all my last ~50 games as Black by choice to test openings. Now, I'm picking "random side" again and I"m only getting Black regardless. It's really weird and annoying.

Lichess Feedback - Exporting Only White or Black Games#3

Oh thanks, I wasn't aware that existed.

Lichess Feedback - Exporting Only White or Black Games#1

It would be cool if in addition to downloading all our games, we could just download the games of either color. This would help me quickly check some opening stats per move. I know Lichess already let…

Lichess Feedback - Low time warnings are insufficient for increment play#3

On a related note, I'm not sure Lichess reissues the time warnings when under 10 seconds. For example, let's say someone has a 4 second increment and plays a dozen moves with 5 seconds on the clock. W…

Lichess Feedback - Low time warnings are insufficient for increment play#2

Just happened again the next day lol!

Lichess Feedback - Low time warnings are insufficient for increment play#1

While there's a warning when time gets critical, this isn't as useful for increment play since you're often completely fine at low time for extended periods. Thus, it's easy to get carried away at the…
