
Search "user:Ifancy_potato"

1416 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Is it possible to have one single serious thread on lichess off-topic without trolls and spammers...#23

2022 Lichess forums were terrible. The off-topic forums really aren't that bad.

Off-Topic Discussion - funny game id#16

@FinishMySentence said in #6: > really, what are the chances of getting a random alphanumeric text to spell out those words. this forum thread should be archived and museumed for lichess' posterity Fo…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do I block all pastafarians?#17

@CSKA_Moscou said in #9: > well, put pineapple in pasta and then shout " long live the potatoes " and you will be the antichrist of the pastafarian I can do that. @clousems said in #10: > Pineapple in…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do I block all pastafarians?#8

@RushOptSix said in #7: > Then put in profile : I love pine apple topping on my pasta's with a hint to watch your profile ; ) I'll take your advice on that.

Off-Topic Discussion - How do I block all pastafarians?#6

@RushOptSix said in #5: > To answer your question dear OP : get pine apple toppings on it, that pasta... the supporters will fare away.... I used this trick outside of lichess, but it's very difficult…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do I block all pastafarians?#3

@DuMussDieUhrDruecken said in #2: > Maybe google translate isn't a reliable source, but I'm not sure if your radiator is accessible for reading.

Off-Topic Discussion - Should people use only get and use one account online at places?#9

@clousems said in #5: > @RushOptSix Please use a single post to make your points. There is no reason to post in bulk. I hate it.

Off-Topic Discussion - Should people use only get and use one account online at places?#8

@clousems said in #5: > @RushOptSix Please use a single post to make your points. There is no reason to post in bulk. It's really annoying.

Off-Topic Discussion - Should people use only get and use one account online at places?#7

@clousems said in #5: > @RushOptSix Please use a single post to make your points. There is no reason to post in bulk. Yeah.

Off-Topic Discussion - How do I block all pastafarians?#1

Recently a pastafarian offended me by calling my great aunt a fat lard. My great aunt sat on him, but others still pose threateningly with their pastafarian profiles. Instead of having to go through p…
