
How do I block all pastafarians?

Recently a pastafarian offended me by calling my great aunt a fat lard. My great aunt sat on him, but others still pose threateningly with their pastafarian profiles. Instead of having to go through pastafarian users individually and block them, can someone give me an anti-pastafarian button?
@Ifancy_potato said in #3:
> Maybe google translate isn't a reliable source, but I'm not sure if your radiator is accessible for reading.

The Pom indicates in local the act of checking the meter or gauge associated with the brain.

All fedz ride to Germany now lol!
To answer your question dear OP : get pine apple toppings on it, that pasta... the supporters will fare away....
@RushOptSix said in #5:
> To answer your question dear OP : get pine apple toppings on it, that pasta... the supporters will fare away....
I used this trick outside of lichess, but it's very difficult to do virtually
@Ifancy_potato said in #6:
> I used this trick outside of lichess, but it's very difficult to do virtually

Then put in profile : I love pine apple topping on my pasta's with a hint to watch your profile ; )
@RushOptSix said in #7:
> Then put in profile : I love pine apple topping on my pasta's with a hint to watch your profile ; )
I'll take your advice on that.
well, put pineapple in pasta and then shout " long live the potatoes " and you will be the antichrist of the pastafarian
Pineapple in PASTA?

When will we stop throwing pineapples at Italian cuisine and just appreciate it for being the best as it is?

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