
I‘m 15 and have a rating of 2600... do you think I can become a GM?

@Wasted_Youth said in #7:
> It has a couple of hundred thousand square km more than the U.S.; try a road trip from Gibraltar to the North Cape in Norway to start to get the feel of it.
> What you probably mean is that it has a much larger concentration of major cities, and that chess is much more deeply rooted in its culture than is the case in the U.S.; the density of tournaments is therefore much higher.
> But tiny? Nope. We ́re bigger. :)

Texas. Is. Better. Than. You.
Eat our dust, euro *****
We've got the Alamo, grass fed beef, NASA, big gas guzzling off road trucks that are the size of your house, and enough oil to power the world. You've got bad cheese, little wimpy cars, political correctness and niminy piminy sweets. :)
Europe is old, and slow, and on the way out.
Texas. Is. Forever.
2600 in what, bullet? Do you really believe bullet is an accurate predictor of your strength in classical chess?
More importantly, why are you asking us? Do YOU believe you have what it takes to become a GM? The chess speaks for itself.
@lizani said in #34:
> 2600 in what, bullet? Do you really believe bullet is an accurate predictor of your strength in classical chess?
> More importantly, why are you asking us? Do YOU believe you have what it takes to become a GM? The chess speaks for itself.

But he's 2500 rapid. And no one has noticed it. And 1900 FIDE.
@JuicyChickenNO1 Yhea no you must be workin' a deadend low (average) paying job if you only have one hour. Or your general work ethic (such as chores) you take 80 years to do, ect. Not everyone has 1 hour only, that is the dumbest claim I have ever heard because as said before I know people with entire days off. *Spits*

You couldn't possibly scare me, honestly with the more things you tell me about your life I am starting to pity you.
@CSKA_Moscou I am realizing something. This rating is not a real rating, he has a deviation of nearly 100 in Rapid AND Blitz and even in Bullet has barely hit the 100 game mark.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #35:
> But he's 2500 rapid. And no one has noticed it.
I did - and I even mentioned it as early as in comment #5. (Back then it was higher, IIRC ~2580, but even less reliable than now.)

> And 1900 FIDE.
Which is great from the point of view of a hobby chess player and likely more than I'll ever have. But the competition is really tough (see the numbers I wrote in #5) so as a base for a professional career or a goal to reach the GM title, not so stellar.
You already are a Grandmaster. Start playing in tournaments.
your blitz rating is kind of low compared to your bullet and rapid,so i dont know what to say,but if you can play 2600 level blitz at young age you can become a grandmaster i think

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