
Lichess Puzzle Rush

I created an app over 10 years ago and sent that off to in late spring 2018 for a new chess app/game competition they were running with Jennifer Shahade and Danny Rensch as judges. I didn't win but my app was used as inspiration for Puzzle Rush.

Why on God's earth haven't we got the Puzzle Rush format on Lichess already.

The puzzles go from to it is not difficult to write a simple script to keep score and time the solving sessions for 3 minutes to 5 minutes.

Alternatively we just put blitz tactics on Lichess.

I've got no axe to grind I just love Lichess and I hold the copyright for this format of puzzles so if copyright infringement was the issue, it shouldn't be because nobody can claim copyright except me and I won't because I made the app free for everyone to use.

My issue with has always been that when I sent Danny Rensch the code he made in unrestricted for subscribers only instead of free for all.

Let us get Puzzle Rush/ Chess Master Cube/ Blitz Tactics on Lichess for Godsakes!
Sorry I don't know much about these things, but couldn't you sue them for using your code for doing something without your consent? @michuk
Did the competition state that could deliberately use your code? if so, I don't see why you are complaining.
ultimately, it's up to the lichess staff. There have been petitions, other forums, all asking for puzzle rush, but it doesn't seem like it's happening. (At least not yet)

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