
How good I am for my age, any advices, openings, middle game, end game

@Alientcp said in #10:
> Select a topic you are not good at/dont dominate and study.
> Once you get good at it, select a topic you are not good at/dont dominate and study it.
> Once you get good at it, select a topic you are not good at/dont dominate and study it.
> Once you get good at it, select a topic you are not good at/dont dominate and study it.
> Once you get good at it, select a topic you are not good at/dont dominate and study it.
> Once you get good at it, select a topic you are not good at/dont dominate and study it.
> You get the drill.
Thank you I will start with endgame than
Age doesn't matter in chess no one cares about your age in chess . Child prodigies beat everyone they play no one cares kids stop saying how old you are if you're a prodigy you'll win stop saying your age no one cares
@DMacam_2015_cavite said in #13:
> help me too im 1580 something In lichess (i only play rapid) and 8 yr ols.
Checked you insight, you loose more when playing with or against queens pawn, it would be good if you focus on it
@DMacam_2015_cavite said in #15:
> oh ok. what should i do?
Study more queens pawn theory from youtube, you can also check you chess insight in more details to know your mistake and what you should focus on, I just had a quick look at it and found that you have some issues with queens pawn

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