
BetMate Platform is Live

@jdwhite42 At this early stage we are using PGNs that we scraped from the web, but soon we will be including live games
Whats the point of betting free tokens? You lose nothing, you win nothing. I mean sure, you can have an opinion of who will win, but you kinda lose the point of betting.
if there is a leaderboaard it can be quite fun trying to get into the top 10. had something similiar for multiplayer games.
I am trying to sign up but I got the message "timeout of 1000ms exceeded"
@j_coca We were having that issue during usability testing as well, so we will be investigating that.
I think it's a great idea, a way to make watching chess games less boring, because let's be honest it really needs it lol. Some kind of 'how does it work' or guide or tutorial would be nice.

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