
finally reached 2000 in blitz

@dooeyDecimal I've only been playing for about 3 years, 2 years since I joined a chess club, and I've been steadily progressing. Lichess was the first time I started playing chess "properly" (basically never played chess before that)
I've hit 1989 in Rapid Rating a few weeks ago (I have very inconsistent ups and downs) but thats *almost* 2000 ;) and i started at about 1100-1200
So take a look at my Rapid (back then it was called classical) progress if you want :)
And regarding the "roof", I don't think there is a roof below the master level at all. Every average human should be able to achieve a master level in chess (approximately 2300 Elo) if they study and train patiently and with lots of motivation. After all, it's purely training. Only if you want to achieve world elite level you need to be a prodigy or have some immense talent.
I hope lovlas can confirm my belief ;) Basically, I base this on the fact that if you watch master games, it's basically blunder-free chess for the most part (the one who blunders first, loses). Below master level, there are lots of blunders, and its the other way around: who blunders last, loses. At least that's I seem to perceive. So going off of that, the way to get better seems easy enough: don't blunder. And by studying and training and practicing you learn to blunder less and play better. Therefore I think that, through the premise that everybody should be able to learn not to blunder, everybody should be able to achieve close to master level. Hope this is understandable enough, and btw: I'm just another patzer trying to learn not to blunder, so don't judge ;)
@bkaifeng I was someone that started out on lichess in 2015 as a beginner and slowly improved over time.

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