
Opposing players repeatedly leaving the game for a split second

@for_cryingout_loud said in #19:
> whenever you drop a packet or more

Are you sure about that, or just guessing?

I'm pretty sure dropped packets are handled way further down the TCP/IP stack and on the client side, way before they ever reach the application layer. Lichess in my browser has no idea about my opponent dropping packets. It has some sense of opponent is present/opponent is absent. Lichess in my browser (where the green light is flickering) cannot see packet level detail from the opponent's side.

I'm combing thru the Lichess source code to try to actually understand this. If anyone already knows why the green light flickers, please chime in.
@mintstate70 said in #21:
> Are you sure about that, or just guessing?
> I'm pretty sure dropped packets are handled way further down the TCP/IP stack and on the client side, way before they ever reach the application layer. Lichess in my browser has no idea about my opponent dropping packets. It has some sense of opponent is present/opponent is absent. It can't see packet level detail from the opponent's side.
> I'm combing thru the Lichess source code to try to actually understand this. If anyone already knows why the green light flickers, please chime in.

I am sure why do you think it stays green because of the packets that is sent to lichess saying i am still here and if one of those drops guess what happens

Also what are you searching for proof of your oppeant cheating?

If so the anti cheat will get him
If to stop the flicker then zen mode

Your search will lead you no where
@mintstate70 said in #23:
> super helpful, thanks for chiming in with your enormous curiosity /s
Well have fun on your witch hunt then also while you at it can you find the witch causing lag alot of people want that witch dead as well
So, for anyone who is actually interested in the topic -- if you can get past the bucket crabs who refuse to understand the question, and are baffled and outraged as to why someone would ask in the first's what I've found. Any Lichess devs who'd like to chime in with facts, please do.

When a game begins, I see a websocket is opened between the client and the server. It sends and receives the realtime requests and responses to my webclient -- this includes actions like moves and joined/left the game indicator light.

On desktop: as long as the user is logged in and there is a single tab open, the green light stays on (joined the game). User can switch tabs and switch apps without interruption to the green light.

To kill the green light on desktop: Closing the browser tab kills the light, and reopening it (ctrl+shift+T) brings the green dot right back. I'd consider my opponent constantly closing and reopening the only Lichess tab on their desktop as a very unlikely explanation for what I see.

On mobile, however, a Lichess user switching between apps will show a grey indicator (left the game) after a ~ five second timeout, and will reconnect momentarily (~1-5 seconds) after switching back to the app. This is similar to what I'm seeing in game from opponents. Could it perhaps be the case they are on the move, and moving from good signal, to bad signal, and back to good? Would be an innocent explanation.

I'd like to rule out an engine listening on the socket. Would passing the output from the socket to an external engine and back to the app cause the same momentary blip? Is it even possible, ala ?

To that end, the data as to whether the green dot blinking is caused by network (roaming user on mobile, totally innocuous) vs user behavior (switching in and out of the app, or injecting something into the websocket) matters.
Could it perhaps be the case they are on the move, and moving from good signal, to bad signal, and back to good? Would be an innocent explanation.

@mintstate70 i said the whole time it was next work but you didn't believe me
There is a related issue "lichess" must fix it. Some times due to internet issues I am disconnected for a minute or two, during a classical (or long) game with many minutes on the clock. By the time I return I have been forfeited. That is madness. In a blitz or bullet game I can understand but with "classical" where I can spend the time to think, anyway ? Crazy. Administrators for lichess, please address this problem.
@for_cryingout_loud said in #26:
> i said the whole time it was next work but you didn't believe me

It could be. It could also be they're switching out of the app. "Believe" has nothing to do with it, either way.
@Wilkodamus said in #27:
> There is a related issue "lichess" must fix it. Some times due to internet issues I am disconnected for a minute or two, during a classical (or long) game with many minutes on the clock. By the time I return I have been forfeited. That is madness. In a blitz or bullet game I can understand but with "classical" where I can spend the time to think, anyway ? Crazy. Administrators for lichess, please address this problem.

I recommend refreshing every 30sec to make sure you dont get dc to lichess or press your name and see if you ping changes.

For why you loose after being dc for 2 min even tho you had more is

Lichess has dc time or disconnect time
It is given at the start of the game and based on your time control so 15min you get x time
For the whole game now if you dc for just a second it eats away at that time meaning you would have x-1 and so on which ends up you leaving for 2min but loose because the time was used for dc.

Why is it per game and not per move because then people would use that to annoy and waste time when they losing wait 1m59 then rejoin play and leave again and again.
@mintstate70 said in #28:
> It could be. It could also be they're switching out of the app. "Believe" has nothing to do with it, either way.
Ok well have you found the first witch yet?
Also i dont think switching apps can be done fast enough to create the fast blinking you described
That would be a slow blinking as you said it takes 5 seconds
So you can find the second lag one.

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