
Why is there this widespread advice to avoid "hope chess"?

I prefer the thinking that hope chess is the thought of chess being an art rather than mathmatical. Like religion and science. And they do say science and physics prove God exists as it will be an artistic player will beat the best engine. Because it's new thinking. But then I am forever hopeful . as my rating shows .Lol xxx
I think in theory it might be ok, but in practice it makes you lazy and sloppy. Can't calculate it? Don't try harder, just play it anyway and see. Doesn't work and you should play the ugly passive move? Nvm let's play it anyway and see. It easily leads to bad mental habits.
Those offering this advice hope that it will help you play better chess.
@kaissa44 said in #4:
> The issue is when you set a trap that would leave you in a worse position if the other person doesn't fall for it. Your position could be worse either because you sacked material for nothing, wasted time, or fell for another tactic.

That's the point of my post - I deliberately like to accept such opportunities and often they do fall for it. I see no reason to discourage it.
@Reasoner said in #14:
> That's the point of my post - I deliberately like to accept such opportunities and often they do fall for it. I see no reason to discourage it.

It will work at our level, but you'll keep climbing up the ladder and it won't anymore.
@Reasoner said in #14:
> That's the point of my post - I deliberately like to accept such opportunities and often they do fall for it. I see no reason to discourage it.
If Hope Chess is fun to you, just ignore unsolicited advice. Years ago I was stoned for promoting Najdorf and Gruenfeld to young intermediate players.

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