
Would you fell for That too?

there was mate in 1 for white on that point, but , as We Humans don't see it casually I think, because for Us is natural to go for a Queen first, which I used to Win. But how to see as a machine sees that sneaky mate, How to cut off all that overthinking , that doesn't allows to see it?because I didn't saw it too first
I would probably take the queen with 14 seconds on the clock
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> Actually, the mate I saw was 33 Re7+. :)
lol what do you mean at all xD? there is no way to move rook to e7 on 33 move, neither before or after, if You do that I can simple move king to protect bishop and there is no way to break it, also even if to make rook pin on d8 , for example on 32 move instead of checking, I can still move king and it's safe. actually there is only 1 move giving mate in 33 move
would someone See THat Move without Engine, I m interested
What in the world are you babbling about this time, vague? 33 Re7+ Kg8 34 Rxe8#...use an engine if you can't figure these things out for yourself.
@MrPushwood said in #7:
> What in the world are you babbling about this time, vague? 33 Re7+ Kg8 34 Rxe8#...use an engine if you can't figure these things out for yourself.
yes yes mr push,I see now your "Endless" wisdom, thx for clearing ( Actually Re7 isn't fun at all, Real Players would choose Rg6)
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