
The meaning of clicking "good game" when you won

@Splorer said in #6:
> I was in the checkout for my groceries and the cashier asked me "Paper or plastic?" I mean, really??? You have to even ask if I want to destroy our environment with plastic bags??? What a horrible thing for them to assume about me.

Paper isn't good either. We need to kill trees to make that. Just bring your own cloth bags from home.
I might be a bit out of the culture here. I am mainly a go player, so I bring the habits with me.
At the end of the game, it is customary to say something. "Thank you for the game" is habitual, just "Thanks" or "Good game" or "gg" is fine (some people also say gg at the start of the game, or "Have a good game")
Saying nothing is not usual, I assume you cannot speak English in this case.

When playing online chess I am a bit surprised that 90% of my opponents don't say a word at the end of the game. I understood after some time that online chess culture was more like online gaming - end of the game, next opponent please. That is fine. I usually say "Thank you" or "Good game", and I think that if you find it more offensive than saying nothing, well, what can I say. You must be very angry in your daily life. (I have also read that "Thank you" can be taken as "Thank you for playing badly". There is no pleasing some people)

In go we don't have so many western players so having a short discussion at the end of the game is pretty usual. I met many people like this.

I am surprised by how people can be offended when they get rejected for a rematch. You won't say a word to me, but you think I owe you a rematch? I will accept sometimes if you say nothing, but "Good game, another one?" makes it much more probable.
If you wanna start a conversation after a win, smthg like "handshake" is more empathic: it neither has a smack of self-praise nor does it rub salt into the wound for instance a few seconds after blundering a simple mate or a piece.

Probably therefore the setting in is

Say "Good game, well played" upon defeat or draw!
In any game I play, be it chess or yugioh or whatever, I'll only say "gg" if the following criteria is met:

It was a close game. Stomps are no fun to play or watch, unless you really hate the person getting stomped; There was something about that game that really stood out. Be it banter, or a really well thought out plan or combination that worked; If I was a spectator, would I think to myself "wow, I'm glad I took the time to wqtch that game".

Unless all three conditions are met, I won't say GG because to me it cheapens it if I just say it afyer every game.
Thinking about it, I think I've only ever said GG three or four times.
@ripristinodisistema said in #1:
> You have no excuses. I'm enough disappointed when i lose, so please shut your mouth. If you write “good game” to the loser, in fact you're saying “wow i'm a nice player” to yourself in front of a mirror. mocking your opponent. The LOSER should write “good game” to the WINNER, because the WINNER played better. It's a matter of logic and good education.

It is a matter of logic and good education that if you don't want to see something in the game chat, you should:
1) turn the chat off,
2) report of block your opponent,

Not posint forums.
@ripristinodisistema said in #7:
> @jeffsonadam i try to explain better. For example, now Russia and Ukraine are involving in a war, and the russians are winning overwhhemingly over the ukrainans. You will appreciate if Putin say to you: "very good war, dude"? I don't think so. Hypocrisy is never appreciated.
> Anyway, "lucky" should be cancelled from the game of chess, because don't exist. Chess it's mathematic and pure power. And it's a war too.

Do not bring politics onto chess, LICHESS IS A FREE, LIBRE, and OPEN SOURCE WEBSITE!!!!!!!
@ripristinodisistema said in #22:
> @Roter_Korsar
> Sure, every game is a battle and every game it's a victory or a defeat, but the draws. That's not just for me, but even for you and for all of us. We play chess mainly for relive the magic, ancient power of war. Western people suffer a big lack of war in the last 77 years, and chess players tring to resume those basic natural instincts playing our beloved game.

Good game, well played.
I say "good game", when it was a good game.
@ripristinodisistema said in #25:
> @Alientcp
> No, "good luck" it don't make sense, exactly like say "good game" to the loser after you win.
> "Lucky" must definitely keep out of the chessboard
According to the cambridge dictionary, luck means "the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities". The opponent making a mistake satisfies these criteria. It is a good thing for you. It is by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities. So luck is in the game of chess for humans. If luck was not in the game of chess, people would play perfectly according to their skill. Blunders or mistakes couldn't happen.

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