
Some people just leave a game without resigning - implement automatic reminder not to do that?

Lil'l Puppet sez to have 2 computers. "Problem solved, you're welcome."
@Toscani I object to those suggestions. I, for one, often click over to another tab in order to change the music that is playing. In regards to your F11 suggestion, I don't really know anyone who plays in fullscreen except for maybe the occasional streamer. For a new player to the site that seems incredibly prohibitive. I wouldn't be looking forward to all the forum posts asking "Why can't I play any games?" "Oh, you need to press F11 or it won't let you."

All these measures in order to prevent people from abandoning games? The problem is certainly exaggerated on this thread I'm sure, as I only encounter such players once in a long while. If you decide to play a 30+30 game or whatever, be prepared to sit at the computer and play chess for over an hour if it goes the distance. If your opponent in an unsportsmanlike fit decides to abandon the game, it should automatically offer you the victory. If they don't technically "abandon" the game, and merely go to another tab (perhaps intending to make a move at the last second in hopes that you've left, as a previous poster mentioned), then you can go to another tab too, watch funny cat videos or whatever, and LICHESS.ORG WILL NOTIFY YOU IF IT IS YOUR MOVE.

It all works already! Are there rude players? Sure. Now report them and relish their rating points.
once in a long while? i get it like once every 4 games...

and nobody ever gets banned from leaving the game.
@fpvbmct Don't take this the wrong way but I think it may be because it is more common the lower the rating range. The higher the rating, the more serious the players tend to be. Less inclined to bullshit around when they could be making progress. That's my theory at least.

Mods definitely take action; I'm not exactly sure what it is though :/ Maybe someone who knows can enlighten us?
Nothing ever happens, it took mods more than a month to ban an obvious cheater
Some new players to the site might be leaving a game without resigning because they did not see the resign button.
Some out of habit might be pressing the X to close their browser without even signing out of the site. The sign out is a bit out of site. Does a reminder say ... Do you want to leave the game when they press the close browser X button?
I don't think there is more than 20% that are doing this on purpose, so 80% of the problem is probably a need for an obvious way to close a game that is not finished, or a message that says are you sure you want to close and if they say yes, the game gets an automatic resign.
#28, at noob level like me at least 90% are delibrate. One guy even said "poor game" to me and then left me to wait out, thankfully there were only 2 minutes left. People always leave when they start losing.
no toscani its not you are wrong

they are doing it 99% purpose and maybe the 1% is lost connecion.

guess what there are players like avg age of 20+ and they cant tell they dont see the resign button because i just clicked on a search result took me to the site and i saw the resign button and also i dont have like 120 iq.

other thing u may do is to show the site

-family members

ask them what do they think what do they should do when they are wish to leave the site - close the tab or they will notice the flag.

i may bet it wont be 20%...


in chess registered players higher elo idk if they are leaving less ofthen because i play anonymouis

and i play anonymous let me tell ya
the players i win very easily are the ones playing until checkmate or resign and even greet me in the chat (there is no chat but a hello button whatever.)

and if im loosing or stuff but the enemy makes a mistake i take a rock

the enemy was unpatient

he /she just gets offended and leaves the game.

you can try it out for yourself. play anonymous and see if better or less better players leave.


should some guy make a thread in the forum and make a black list !!

black list - we put the name of the leavers on one page and like 5-10 man or woman may send him/her messages complaining about leaving witout resigning

because they will notice

say some, 1 of 4 players that are registered are leaving the game. you know who is registered can't be that dumb to not to know how to resign? its not like it toscani - if there are 40 players and 10 leaves i don't think it 2 players doing it on purpose - they would be all registered players.

there are evil mankind doing it on purpose - leaving is not the wrost case scenario.

if u open the browser 2 times and then open lichess 2 times in both of the browsers that are 2 of them, you can start a game !

start a game in 1 browser then you loose and switch to the other browser.

your circle will remain green so lichess won't notice that you left nor your enemy.

your enemy will wait around for freakin' long time thinking you thinking to make a move.

but in fact you may just started another game in another browser.

so you enemy will wait around.

there are people doing this.

more ofthen.

this is ON PURPOSE!

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