
If this was guess the elo, what would you say my elo is? Any tips on improving?

@Sweet_Esc #1
Your game plan after you and your opponent played the opening should have been as follows: 1) Resist the freeing of the bishop, walled up by its own pawns. 2) If your opponent does not dare to free the game with sacrifices, then you, having a spatial advantage on the kingside, should have attacked the white king.
With the color change of the pieces, it should look something like this:
White had many pawn weaknesses you didn’t go for. Try to use your knights to infiltrate the position and attack backwards or doubled pawns if you have space to retreat to. Pawns have feelings too, they want to be objects of desire just like the other pieces :p be greedy and try to calculate for all advantages, 1-2 pawns are enough to win often times. Try to think on your opponents time, he used most of his timebank. Good opportunity to consider current pawn structures, discoveries resulting from breaks and pins that are in the position or can be set up.
No one will appreciate your Elo rating for one game, for this you need to play in tournaments and Elo is written with a capital letter, because it is a person's last name
Hmm, attacking game... after e4 you have a clearplan for a kingsside attack, Bf5, Qd7, Bh3, maybe adcance the pawns on the kingsdide, maybe bring the rook via e6 to the kingside. You play on the queenside, play b5 which is nothing else as a blunder. White had doubled pawsns, you solve this problem. Instead of Qb3 whirte can maybe play a4 to open up the position for the bishop pair. Only white can be better here, before b5 only black can be better.

And of course it is nonens to play anything else than Bc3 like you did. If Bc3 would be bad, then Bb4 must be an error. Cause after a retreat of the bishop a3 is a useful move for white. The compensation for the bishop pair are the doubled pawns. No need to worry for black. But when you allow that white gets rid of the doubled pawns it is another story like told above.
Oh my you guys I can't believe all of this! I am really grateful for all these comments and basically analysing this whole game for me :). I think I have learned from my mistakes:

1. NEVER SOLVE opponent's problem of doubled pawns.
2. Don't be fixated on just playing on one side of the board, be versatile, especially when opponent's pieces are immobile and not that agile, begin an attack on the kingside as quick as possible.
3. While getting spatial advantage is good, make sure that I don't blunder like I always do.

Once again thanks a lot guys. Really appreciate all of this.
Youre welcome, but reading books about strategy and pawn structures looks like you could use the most. Its not just about which side of the board to play on. Thats very basics of pawn structures. There are many things you can learn.
around 1570 elo, though you really need to focus on your pawn structure, it was terrible (sorry if a bit offensive) you might also want to work on some tactics for pawns you can find in the Lichess puzzle database. You should probably change up your opening repertoire, though you play games that are easy to win for you bad in the run if you are black you need to focus on openings like the Sicilian or Caro-Kann .
Your opening..bit too slow... against 2000 wouldn't get a space..can try black gambit opening..but gambit can take time...must use more casual practice to mastered it...not good advice..but a choice...

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