
Time to choose a new open as black for e4, need some advice.

Hi, guys.

I have learned chess for almost 3 years. Now I have reached 2000+ point in rapid and get confused.
Usually I use d4 for white, which often lead to a position with solid pawn chain and space advantage. I enjoy it.
When vs e4 as black, I use Sicilian Kan variation, which works well before. But after 2000 point the game became hard, because in middle game white can use the space advantage in kingside to attack my king like f4 g4 and so on. This attack maybe not sound, but I have to use a lot of my time to defense until get tired and made a mistake.
So I want to search an open for black vs e4, which just like QGD, black don't have a space short and also have a solid pawn structure.
I have tried Frech defense but hate exchange variation, Carocann is also have a space issue in advance variation.
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Nc3 Qc7 6. Bd3 Nf6 7. O-O d6 8. f4 Nbd7 9. Qf3 b5 10. Bd2 Bb7 11. Rae1

This is a typical position in Kan and Scheveingen.
If you don't want to give up space, as black, I think your only options are pretty much e5 or c5.
Have you thought about picking a different Sicilian? I enjoy the hyperaccelerated dragon, but there are several to choose from. Although I would probably avoid the Najdorf unless you want to spend forever working on theory.

Caro-Kann with 3. c5 (against the advanced) is also fun. It fights back sooner and avoids some of the cramped positions of the 3. Bf5 mainline.
I played Sicilian for several years as black, and have recently switched to French, which seems to be going ok. Some of the options for white against Sicilian seemed to throw me - McConnell, Alapin, castling Q side. I still play Sicilian sometimes but I'm less enamoured of it than I used to be.
@LudwigZh said in #1:
> I want to search an opening for black vs e4, which just like QGD, black don't have a space short and also have a solid pawn structure.

Good luck there. ;) Black actually does generally have a shortage of space in the QGD. You basically have two choices as Black: open and kinda risky or solid but cramped.
@opampman said in #6:
> Have you thought about picking a different Sicilian? I enjoy the hyperaccelerated dragon, but there are several to choose from. Although I would probably avoid the Najdorf unless you want to spend forever working on theory.
ye, I have thought of hyperaccelerated dragon, but it's sharp and dynamic which I'm not so good at. Maybe Kan variation is good enough, I just need more practice :).
> Caro-Kann with 3. c5 (against the advanced) is also fun. It fights back sooner and avoids some of the cramped positions of the 3. Bf5 mainline.
Caro is good enough, but I feel it maybe need more edge in open stage, or white can develop without any pressure.
@Bellendo said in #7:
> I played Sicilian for several years as black, and have recently switched to French, which seems to be going ok. Some of the options for white against Sicilian seemed to throw me - McConnell, Alapin, castling Q side. I still play Sicilian sometimes but I'm less enamoured of it than I used to be.

Trust me bro, Sicillian e6 Frech variation doing well with "McConnell, Alapin, castling Q side."
which start with 1e4,c5 2Nf3 e6, check it in lichess database~

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