
Rematches against higher rated players

For me it happens much more often against lower rated players. I don't do rematches in chess, but in variants I do (because of few players). Twenty rematches against the same player until they get a win, and then they leave immediately. It always bemuses me. There must be some explanation, just need to figure it out.
It's probably comes from some sort of principles: "Quit while you're ahead" or "Leave good enough alone".
Masochist vs Sadist : Maybe some request rematches because one of them or both just like pain or want to inflict it. :)
Maybe it has nothing to do with their rating. They just enjoy seeing the same person get a beating. Hoping to do it in fewer moves every time.

It might be a good thing to say why you want a rematch.
Example: During the game ... Mouse slip was said in the chat and at the end of the game, the player asks a rematch. It would sound proper to accept. You want a rematch, make it understood why. Without comments in the chat and you get a request for a rematch after they won is a bit odd to me.

As players go up the rating ladder, there are fewer players with their skill level. So, it would seem normal to request a rematch with equally rated players and less if the ratings are 400 points apart.
@Sarg0n said it perfect in my book.

It's still just a game to some people and there is nothing strange about playing a rematch.
If the opponent is a good match for me I see no reason to look for another as long as he is willing to play again.

I do not understand the whining about rematch requests.

The analogy with the trees makes no sense.
When offering or accepting rematches, I state something like "..make it the best of three for bragging rights. LOL.." And if they accept, that fine. if not, no harm done or no hard feelings are borne towards the opponent...
When a player is Better than 98.9% of Rapid players, it must be hard to find a match.
I would be whining if a player so highly skilled was insisting on rematches.
The analogy was between the choice of picking apples and those of human choices of picking opponents.
The principle of making choices remains the same. Pick apples in a particular way and do the same by picking opponents in the same manner. It's the same principle at work. Maybe it makes no sense to some, but it does to me. Here's something to think about.

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