
Losing streak make Jack a dull boy

Brothers and sisters,

Everything is in the title. I have been losing multiple games in row (on Lichess and chesscom) for the last 2-3 days. I fail to basic tactics (like mate in 1 lol) even if a had a good advantage. Don’t hesitate to check my game if you want to have a good laugh. Obviously there is something wrong with my play

How do you manage these losing streaks ?
Do you stop playing for a bit ? Do puzzles ?
your rapid rating is below 1500-- you should anticipate consecutive losses to occur frequently. It happened to me when I was 1800+, and it happens to much better players than me.

Just use each loss as a learning opportunity and try not to get tilted.
@clousems said in #2:
> your rapid rating is below 1500-- you should anticipate consecutive losses to occur frequently. It happened to me when I was 1800+, and it happens to much better players than me.
> Just use each loss as a learning opportunity and try not to get tilted.

Yes, if I lose 3 games in a row I stop playing
But how could that have anything to do with the rating ? I encounter players that are rated somewhere around my own rating, how could that have an impact ?
Dear Jack,

Your losing streak is on the tail end of a long steady climb upwards. You might be encountering a losing streak because you've started to hit a plateau that marks your current average performance. You should expect to reach a point where you are winning about half the time. The key is to not get discouraged and find a way to improve, and eventually you will break through the plateau until you encounter the next one.
accept defeat. If you have lost points, you are capable of regaining them. However, if your goal is to reduce your number of defeats, know that concentration is your best friend. Btw in Blitz, even if you lose a minor piece, you still have a way to make a comeback, so you should not not give up fast, but on the contrary try to provoke your opponent into making a mistake.

Here are some of my tips :

- Before playing, do puzzles to be ready, always taking your time. do not hesitate to replay your openings on the analysis board or in friendly game.

- During the game, avoid any distractions. For example, I manage to have almost complete silence in my room, and I do not talk when i play.

- The best thing is also to find a position that is comfortable enough not to be in pain and correct enough not to be distracted by an object lying on a desk or a pillow on your sofa.

- and above all, be serious from the beginning to the end of the game, that is, try to do your best, regardless of the aesthetic qualities. seek to be efficient

Best regards
Things like that just happen from time to time. I'm currently going through a losing streak (0.5/10 or 0/8) and some of the losses were really frustrating, e.g. running out of time in a clearly winning position. All you can do is to keep trying. The hard part is not to let the frustration affect your play which is, I'm afraid, where I'm starting to fail a bit.
Thank you very much !

I hope to get back my motivation really soon

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