
Classical ruined my blitz need help

So Basically i played a classical tournament,Afterwards when i played blitz in lichess, i played bad and lost ~100 rating points .how can i untilt and play with 100% of my strength?
Edit did this happen to anyone else aswell?
I thought the line goes as "blitz ruined my classical"
Play bullet time management is key in blitz
You can really only learn that through bullet
Then switch to blitz
I recently was listening to chess dojo and David Preuss said that whenever his blitz goes up, his classical goes down and vice versa. It's been the same for me. Classical mindset - look for the best move, invest your time, caclulate deeper. Blitz mindset - make an OK move fast and don't lose on time.
And that is why you don't try classical at home!...
I'd say you will easily adapt to blitz again by playing it more frequently.
@airfloo said in #5:
> And that is why you don't try classical at home!...
I tried to play it (on lichess) from other places but I cannot focus as well as with my home setup.
Players need to adjust to different time controls, and playing too much blitz can ruin your classical play, either because you're so used to bashing out moves quickly that you don't take time to analyse, or because you follow the similar sort of tactic of complicated but slightly inferior positions your opponent might not see the right moves in blitz but are likely to get it right in classical. I'm referring to Hikaru level, not my own.

On my own level I hate not having any time whatsoever to be able to see what my opponent did and respond appropriately, and I'm also not an expert mouse-mover, so I play only with increment (after losing a 10+0 game I was totally winning because I couldn't move fast enough). I prefer 3+2 to 10+0, and have done reasonably well at times with it.

I have found that, after playing blitz, I do play far too quickly at rapid. I played one classical game where I got totally bored and just exchanged everything off for a draw and didn't bother playing it again. But then I work and do other stuff and I want to play chess to relax and slower time controls are just so more intense as you have to think.

That may be why top players play so little rapid. They either want to play serious classical chess or quick-fire blitz but not anything in between. Which is a shame, because I would find watching top players playing online rapid so much more entertaining.

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