

I am 1441 FIDE , so I am good in chess but I am capable to reach 2100 in bullet but not in blitz , I am trying to buy still cannot able why so ? Can anyone provide me some guidance for this ?
for startes FIDE 1440 is not very good. it is barely good enough to get a rating 1400 being smallest rating there is. Obviously here in lichess you are clearly stronger than average player even on blitz so you are good enough. Important thing to understand is that ratings relative. Which means 2000 in on pool does not and is not intended mean in another pool.

Like blitz 1500 typically has rapid rating 1700. On difference in ratings matter. i.e 200 pts rating difference means that in long series of games stronger player would stand to gain about 3/4 on points.

Then bullet is really an special case. I guess you are quite young as you can play such speeds without excessive experience. Bullet is practically impossible for me. Hence bullet needs skill not needed in blitz and even less so in rapid and classical.
@petri999 said in #2:
> Like blitz 1500 typically has rapid rating 1700.
I don't think it can be generalized like this. I'm pretty sure that if I dared to try it, my difference would be much higher. On the other hand, I see a lot of people around with blitz rating significantly higher than rapid. So IMHO it's rather about player style and time management.
@ZugzwangZealoth2790 said in #3:
> the way you answer to me was quite rude
You may not like it but FIDE ELO of 1441 really isn't a sign of being "good in chess". And I'm saying that as someone whose initial rapid ELO is 1464 - but also realizing how bad I played in that one tournament this value comes from.
You are not good at chess, you are fast at chess. ;-)

How to improve? Scratch bullet, reduce blitz, add longer time controls, and study a lot.
@ZugzwangZealoth2790 said in #3:
> Thanks for answering , but the way you answer to me was quite rude

not rude at all
all points that were stated from his response was valid

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