
Players Who Leave Without Resinging

I mean, what an absolute loser you would have to be. Its basically the real life equivalent of walking away from the board in a tourney in a completely lost position. Lichess should be more stringent on its rules when it comes to leavers, this happens far too often (I realize disconnections arent sometimes the player's fault, it happens to me sometimes too, but it becomes very obvious when they leave after you decline a draw offer or a takeback).

Believe me, I hate it just as much as you do. This has been brought up in the forums about 100 times in the last month. Lichess staff is cracking down on it now. And players who continue to do this are getting banned.
@MoistChess lol

Personally I don't mind if they don't resing. Most people can't sing anyway and I can't even hear them unless we have chat on.
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Bummer man however you know this is the reaction they are trying to get out of people. You can start another game IN the meantime. OR play blitz/bullet and not even an issue :D

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