
Saving lines in correspondence games (analysis board)

I enjoy using the analysis board function in my correspondence games to plot out lines. I'll usually throw them all on the board after some thought and then leave and come back. However, they don't stay. I understand that the main functionality of this interface is to make premoves but I was wondering whether these lines could be saved for convenience, as it adds another dimension to correspondence play.
Like type the line out? It would be nice to treat correspondence games like studies with whole trees of main lines and sub lines. I feel like that takes too much effort to type out but perhaps I'm doing something wrong
You can use studies if you wish (as long as you have computer analysis turned off), it is not against the rules. It might also be helpful as you can use text to complement whatever lines you may have.
@Lanoc ahhh that's what I should be doing I don't know how I didn't think about that. It still wouldn't hurt to be able to save analysis since you can do so just as well as in a study but thanks for the idea.

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