
What was the first game played in lichess?

Don't know if this question was asked earlier, if it was, please send the link. If not, do you know if there is a way to find the first game played in lichess?
interesting , I would bet that it was programmers testing an early beta version ?
But the first regular live game between two IRL players would be interesting to see,
I'm sure they have it , all the games are recorded for future learning :)
Not many of those players from those early games still here it looks like. Thibault of course. Looks like @bijean played one of the earliest classical games and is still here playing games regularly!
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it is interesting because i am pretty sure back in the good ol' days there was no rapid i think everything was classical
Wow. Back then everybody had short names like Cat, Hidden, test, zero, gambit, king, storm. That kind of stuff.

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