
Same GM Title but has different expertise???

I read an article from the internet and I came across about this confusing statement for me. the passage goes exactly as the following words in the quote "There are also Grandmaster titles for composers and solvers of chess problems, awarded by the
World Federation for Chess Composition."

My query here is that. Does the title don't require the player to have a ELO of at least 2500. If there are people who have received this prestigious lifetime title by the World Chess Federation. Is it also allowed here at lichess if those people present their Grandmaster certificates to have those yellow-colored GM title right before their username? I hope a moderator here can answer my question. Thank you so much.

(Please don't make a comment just to make fun of this question as I'm really looking for a hypothetical answer)
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Ok now that i have time to write a better comment, let me explain,

The short answer is no, the reason as to why this title is different than the normal GM title is that the NORMAL gm title is gained when the FIDE gives you it after a certain rating. The puzzle composer title would not show as it is different than the normal one. Its like the Arena GM title, its just too different.
What do ratings have to do with problem composers? They're not playing in tourneys.
yes they do they do they just keep playing chess by that i mean all the time.
There are many ways to earn a particular chess title like GM.
And the title has same value irrespective od how it was earned.
The title Grandmaster is not owned by Fide. So we have grandmasters in chess problem solving, GO, some martial arts, etc. The World Federation for Chess Composition can award GM title thus.
@vqh what would you feel if you're that kind of GM. A GM that compose chess puzzle but you're rejected when you are about to present your credentials because you wanted to have the GM before your username here at lichess? What if the exact situation that I'm asking here is your story? How would you react?
@Akbar2thegreat you're not answering my question. Yes I know that there are many ways to reach a GM title but what I'm asking is a different thing. Read my statement again in the top so you can understand my point sir. :)
@SHG2005 said in #8:
> @vqh what would you feel if you're that kind of GM. A GM that compose chess puzzle but you're rejected when you are about to present your credentials because you wanted to have the GM before your username here at lichess? What if the exact situation that I'm asking here is your story? How would you react?
well i would be an idiot if i did that. I would blame my self and go play in tourneys instead. Puzzle composers and actual gms have nothing to due with each other

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