
What are the Pros and Cons of playing over 300 Ultrabullet games per day?

I am currently everyday playing over 300 Ultra-bullet games per day these are the Pros and Cons for it in my opinion

* My Blitz rating has increased since then
* My tactics speed has increased drastically
* My Creativity to survive crazy positions has increased
* Overall in the real world everything seems a lot slower than usual

* It takes up multiple hours per day to play so many games
* Sometimes I get hand cramps
* I am playing the stonewall too much xD

What do you guys/gals think would be advantages and disadvantages of playing over 300 ultra-bullet games per day?
I played a lot of hyperbullets, and I recommend you not to play over 300 ultrabullet just for the sake of mental health. Best option is to limit it to 5-10 games per day and play chess in real life.

@Chessy64 Did your Blitz rating increase because you flagged people or because when you were in time trouble you were able to handle the pressure
It takes up less hours per day to play so many games as contrary to if it were a slower time control.
It is more physical exercise than slow time control
Stonewall is quite good, the more you play it, the better.

It kills your ideas.
It makes you superficial.
It does not improve your chess.
:D :D :D :D :D :D just as always there are so many opinions and guys who's so into saying No :D :D more important thing is does it works for You .... in shape of improving some bad positions ..... for exsample what works for me and how does it affects my study is : when I play hyperbullet 15 sec or 30 sec its speed shocks me in some situations were position were not going in my favour ..... and that shock is really useful ..... because that position stays more in memory then any other for much longer .... Shock= memory improvment .... also by playing more speed chess I gain more played positions and posible situations .... so but when I play slow chess 1min. to 5 min. that time gives really useful help to stop forcing yourself into moves you know to create some really good 5-8 move combos ...... well as many opinions are out there this is my way to see benifits of time differentials.....

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