Lichess is free
Lichess not overrun with ads (no ads at all)
Lichess makes features available to all - not just those who can afford it. There are no annoying nag mechanisms (limit on games, how many messages you can type) to encourage you to donate/upgrade.
Lichess keeps innovating - adding new features and/or removing old that don't work. And does this quicker than any other site.
Lichess developers are very detail oriented and try to make everything work "just right"
Lichess listens to the community about what it wants - but also balances this with a good sensibility on which ideas make sense and which don't.
Lichess looks good - a nice minimalist approach that puts the focus on chess and ease-of-use - not a myriad of (ugly, half-baked or complicated) functionality
... and one senses the lichess team has a high level of personal and professional integrity. They don't have to compromise on their vision for the sake of investors and "monetization", so they are free to make the product they want, exactly how they want it.
I have never liked - the ads, the functionality, the game-play or its very raison d'être: basically landed on a "good" domain name and just try to milk that luck with an onslaught of ads instead of actually doing anything innovative or appealing.
I pretty much only play on lichess these days and I am sure I could think of other good reasons - but that's about it for now :D
Oh... and now that I am submitting this post, the chess CAPTCHA. That is just a brilliant idea :P