
Who is GM Konevlad?

Of course he will be revealed as Artemiev --- but we want him so badly to be Carl Schlechter, Morozevich or Paul Morphy ...
Such a classy and modest person... it must be Hillary Clinton
maybe Vladimir konev admins this account by himself "a genius basketball player" why not 🤣🤣🙃
After all the trashtalk here now the ultimate truth:
Korobov and Artiemiev are strong players, sure - but not strong enough to dominate such an event in this way.
Carlsen instead had lost two times against Alireza, and surely didnt want to lose against him openly as DrNykterstein in the titled arena three times in a row. So, he took a new nickname, and could then play more relaxed with it, useing his whole opening repertoire without fear.

GM Konevlad is Carlsen.
Well, If I'm Magnus Carlsen and I'm no.1 in the world so I wont even bother create a new account to beat Alireza.
Well, if i'm Magnus Carlsen and i'm no.1 in the world, i would not prefer to lose against Alireza again and again...

or, in other words: he will be "as happy as he can be" losing to an 16years old;-)

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