
ACWC 2024 Pairings and Match results

Pairings and match results for ACWC 2024 will be announced in this forum thread.

After the match negotiations, either player must post the match time here. After the match itself, the winning player is responsible for posting the results and relevant game links here.

All comments that are not pairing announcements, match times, or match results, will be removed from this forum thread.
The pairings for the first round of ACWC 2024 follow.

Matches must be played and scores posted here by Monday 23:59 UTC. Remember that each player is responsible for offering 3 suitable times for the match by Friday 23:59 UTC. A player who fails to do this is at fault, and will receive a losing score if the match is not played. Good luck!

@Pinni7 vs @ak1969
@Antichess_Valentino vs @Procompsognathus
@pf2000 vs @FiendfyreFrenzy
@IiTheAruNiI vs @retzehcekh
@Peeyush_Sonkar vs @chicken_buttt
@ChangeOpening vs @Douthy
@icelandically vs @UDITORIUM
@cFlour vs @hall03
@Passionate_Player vs @Polymer13
@steel_real vs @Shukhratovich
@bwmtone vs @qUIeTIdIO
@RedbullNGaming vs @apsid
@asvy vs @Fufdarr
@RoyalDesperession vs @maxoubar
@UltimateSuperPlayer vs @Arthurdbx
@ma3ter3ky vs @TheKingOfKingsPawn
@Kotov_Syndrome vs @Infraschall
@KOJEKUDE vs @Mahesh_Beniwalroma
@Maxime109 vs @dromhost
@Sridhar75 vs @likvid93
@patrickrg vs @Zayan_123
@r2300 vs @Wolf63
@d3c5 vs @Bulatli2
@ODMWND vs @Proantichess2
@UglySwede vs @ekanshkataria4511
@SIDDIQ1911 vs @TouchofMagnus
@rr007 vs @Frans-thee_wolf27
@MiladLouak0 vs @oneplusoneequals-two
@drooksh vs @andreagobbez
@SeaSkank vs @FiveKnights
@basschess_1989 vs @delffin
@loright vs @kostasvl
@Balona1 vs @merengo
@DrunkPolo vs @GatikJha
@Chijss vs @Rishi_1311
BYE: @Prarthana_sk
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I am not a TD for this tournament, but as IAF President, I would like to encourage all players to make every effort to schedule and actually play your matches. The point of this tournament is not to see who can win by default. Seeking a technical default win should be your last resort (i.e. my opponent was 1 second late please give me the win / I wrote my opponent and they only sent one time to play blah blah blah)

consider this - no player has ever won this tournament or even had significant success in this tournament by repeatedly seeking technical defaults.

Good luck, have fun, and make every effort to actually play your matches so the tournament is decided by actual antichess games and not scheduling nonsense. Thanks.

@TouchofMagnus, I cannot message you, so change your preferences and message me to set the timings for our match.
Here are my timings
Saturday and Sunday ( whichever day suits you)
4:30 UTC
9:30 UTC and
13 : 00 UTC.

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