
Going road to 1900

Just play more :) I don't play rapid but Im trying to reach 1900 in bullet and blitz
Just know you’re a god player if you’re on a losing streak, don’t lose hope and become a 2000 if you wish!
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In one bullet TA, I started my rating from 1848 and after winning a match, I got rating 1904!

But in the end of the tournament, I got my rating 1696 (-152)!

That's why I keep practicing bullet, blitz, rapid and classical time by time!
1900 on lichess...its just a dream for millions of kids....but a dream that can become a reality for a special few
After every move made by your opponent, ask yourself:
1. "If my opponent had the right to move again, what move would he make?"

2. "Are there any ways for my opponent to win material by tactical means?" For example, ...Qb6+ by Black when the white king is on g1 and white bishop is on b2 without a pawn in front of the bishop, and the bishop is undefended, this would win a piece for black. Always look at what checks your opponent can give, can he create a double attack, discovered attack, discovered attack with check, double check, skewer, temporary material sacrifice to achieve deflection in order to win material on next moves...

3. "Is his plan good?" If it is not, then proceed with your plans, and if it is good, either prevent it or minimize the damage.

4. Look at the pawn structure all the time and consider possible transformations, then consider how those transformations affect both players (for example, does one side's space advantage make it hard for the other side to develop pieces on optimal squares, will one side end up with an isolated pawn after a series of exchanges, and will that pawn end up being a weakness for the player that has it, or will it boost the attack, would it be better for me to play on the queenside, or kingside, or both sides? Is it likely to become an endgame? Who would have advantage in it?

5. Compare piece activity. Games can be decided by who has the more useful piece (usually in a same color bishop endgame, this is where the pawn structure comes into play. The side with pawns placed on color opposite from the bishop's color would stand better, possibly with a winning advantage.) In the middlegame piece activity is crucial, especially for the side that has less space and needs to achieve their plans as soon as possible, without harm.

To do all of this correctly practice and constant use is needed, and it has to be supported by long, precise and correct calculation and proper evaluation of the outcome. To be able to apply these rules, you need time, which is why you should play long games (preferably 90+30, lowest I would suggest is 60+30).

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