
Openings and Strategy Ideas for YouTube Channel

I recently started my chess YouTube channel which I plan to use for instructive videos (with experienced player backup, of course) which can help players get an idea of what's going on. I've noticed a lot of chess instruction-marketed videos on YouTube fall short to expectations and/or don't live up to the title.

My first video on the Classical King's Indian:

Along with opening ideas on the computer, I'd also like to make some videos similar to TheBackyardProfessor's videos. If you don't know who TBP was, go check him out. He was such an awesome chess teacher who had a real passion, and now that he has left, I want to bring some of that great instruction back as best I can in the near future.
I suppose I was not nearly as energetic as TheBackyardProfessor was in his videos, but once I get outside I'll try to speak a bit louder. It'll be nice seeing me drop paper pieces in the snow. :))

I'm wondering if any of you have suggestions for openings I could cover on the computer, and suggestions for videos to make in the style of TheBackyardProfessor.

Thanks for Reading, Merry Christmas and Happy Checkmating!
Hey FAJTV, nice new channel!
I have a suggestion for an opening for black: The Black Lion
I recently learned it and it seems to be working well for me as it is an aggressive opening for black.
Thanks! I might do the Lion, but GJ_Chess and Simon Williams have already made videos on it. I might make a video of example games of people playing it, and some middlegame plans.
Yeah, I learned the Lion from Simon Williams, but he didn't really go into much detail, only general ideas and strategy.
Also the Eglund gambit is something I run into every now and then, but I kind of wing because I don't really know how to refute it very well.
A nice opening is 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 h6 . One could do a video on that!
@howchessYT Interesting; I might do that. :)

@TMcSquared #4 That's what I'm trying to cover in my videos. I want to focus less on variations and mainly on the ideas, because we are humans, not computers.
Very instructive video! Love how you put in example games to show us the concepts and ideas you put forth at the start of the video :)
A lot of videos are already done on openings.If i were you i would focus on endings taken from famous games.
Very nice video. Perfect length, short to keep the attention but enough time to cover the content. Looking forward for more.

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