
What is the problem with my blitz?

Currently I'm 1900 bullet and I feel I can do even better if I focus. But my blitz rating is 1600 and I feel even with my mind focusing it's hard to get higher even though I was 1800 blitz once. I tried with a new account but they still seem tough. Are blitz players generally better or maybe I should take more time?
Look at your chess insights and see if you play at the same spend no-matter the time given. If that is the case, than you are losing because you are not taking your time. Without knowing someone or showing off your chess insights nobody can guess what you are doing to have lower ratings with more time.
@Toscani said in #3:
> Look at your chess insights and see if you play at the same spend no-matter the time given. If that is the case, than you are losing because you are not taking your time. Without knowing someone or showing off your chess insights nobody can guess what you are doing to have lower ratings with more time.
I checked it and there seems to be no problem with the time I spend in blitz. It seems odd to me because it's been a year since I gave up studying chess and although I thought my bullet would get worse but it only happened to blitz.

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