
Advice on recovering from tilt

Why are you Losing On Purpose ? @sasaldfkj8888 ? Don't You KNOW You are VIOLATING TOS ? Moderators where are You ????? This guy Losing in a few moves by Resigning every game possible please check his account he's been doing this for days on end ... Repoted This POST TWICE & nothing was done
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Suggestion to recover from tilt: take a break from playing and only study
Someone really call the mods... I’ve posted a topic like this.
Calling Mod11!
> Advice on recovering from tilt

Take a rest from chess at least for some days, enjoy something else so you will get a fresh chess vision after a small chess break.
@sasaldfkj8888 said in #1:
> I've tried several methods to improve, but I'm on a huge losing streak right now. Any advice from experienced players?
most people are saying you should take a break, I say you should play less with longer time controls, if you want a way to improve, I am also looking for one, but watching videos, analyzing games with chat gpt
@ThunderClap said in #11:
> Why are you Losing On Purpose ? @sasaldfkj8888 ? Don't You KNOW You are VIOLATING TOS ? Moderators where are You ????? This guy Losing in a few moves by Resigning every game possible please check his account he's been doing this for days on end ... Repoted This POST TWICE & nothing was done

bro its not your responsibility chill out

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