
I suggest making your own currency on the site so that it is more interesting for children to play chess @Lichess
@Timofei2503 said in #1:
> I suggest making your own currency on the site so that it is more interesting for children to play chess @Lichess

Isn't that kinda like rating points , is that not enough for you?
I suggest that if an opponent is stalling and you win the game after the tournament ends, we still get points.
@SimonBirch said in #2:
> @Timofei2503 сказано в # 1:
> Разве это не похоже на рейтинговые очки, тебе этого недостаточно?
well, tournament points are only in tournaments, namely hunting so that there is not only a rating for the party, but coins for example, but this does not apply to us adults, it's just for children when they choose their age, the system automatically puts a coin counter for them
@Timofei2503 said in #1:
> I suggest making your own currency on the site so that it is more interesting for children to play chess @Lichess
It's a lot of work!!!
(And you can hardly do anything) But you can go to the club.

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