
Elo system is just awful here

Considering your February 2 record, you had much more wins that losses but overall lost the rating.
It doesn't work as you think.
You would have lost more against relatively weaker players.
Just interesting I was going to bring up a question (issue?) about how points are calculated here: I'm not talking about games but puzzles; it is nice when they award you with 20 points for a win and take away 10 for the loss; but right now I won 7 puzzles and lost 7 ... in total I lost more than 60 points? This is hard to understand.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #11:
> Considering your February 2 record, you had much more wins that losses but overall lost the rating.

Said the high Elo GM with the 1600 avg rating
Elo makes me nuts. Sometimes we judge people by there rating. Say they are 1800, and I'm 1900. The 1800 might be really good, but I think he's a person who is 100 lower than me, so I think he's bad. If he beats me, that drives me nuts. Lichess will take away like 7 points. I say: We REMOVE the Elo rating system.
@Cantfindavailablenam said in #14:
> Said the high Elo GM with the 1600 avg rating
Lol! You are acting as if you are as strong the likes of Carlsen and others!
Plus, Elo rating is literally nothing. It's mere number.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #16:
> Lol! You are acting as if you are as strong the likes of Carlsen and others!
> Plus, Elo rating is literally nothing. It's mere number.
You consider yourself as a high enough level player so you mock others; but in fact you are below mediocre so it turns to you getting mocked
Second page of a thread is always the place where the fun part begins. However, I just wanted to underline the logic of the described events and make a point in favor of glicko2. The system is developed to describe your level as precise as possible, hence I am not surprised at all, that the numbers you gain or lose won't match. When you gained "X" rating yesterday by playing against "n" amount "X" rated player, but play against an other "n" amounts of games against "Y" rated player today, that must not mean that your rating needs to be increased/decreased/level out. It would be very simple and probably unfunctional if there was a algorithm that just took the number of games you played and then added or substracted equally 5 points for each let's say. Also, that is not what glicko2 wants to effect in the first place. Because when you play against stronger (higher rated) opponents and win, your rating has to increase more than when you win against a same rated, or even weaker player, in order to really describe your true level of strength.

Likewise it is pretty gullible to blame glicko2 for its biggest advantage compared to that other system you described.
It does exactly what it is designed for and yes, that is good.


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