
When to Start OTB?

Does anyone know the rating at which I should start going to OTB tournaments? For now they are all closed, but when they start back up I want to ensure that I will have a great win/loss record. I don't want to get crushed, but I don't want to spend too long waiting for the opportune time.
If you care about the relative strength of players, it largely depends on which organization you plan on playing otb tournaments in. For example, the last time I checked, the average established FIDE rating is close to 2000 because better and more serious players join FIDE, while a smaller federation like USCF should have an average established rating of between 1000 and 1500 because there are many more kids and casual players who are not as good at chess.

I would suggest playing in a national/local federation and gain experience with OTB before moving to FIDE, especially since long OTB games are very different from online chess. (Also if you care a lot about your win/loss record, you will probably do much better in the less competitive national federations.) Based on your lichess rating, you would most likely not have a great win/loss record in FIDE tournaments (especially because lichess ratings are way higher than FIDE ratings), but you could do fairly well in national/local federation tournaments.

There is no "correct" rating at which one should start participating in OTB tournaments. It all depends on how much time you are willing to dedicate to playing chess.
@Sarg0n Online is less professional and you can play 1000x as many games online. It’s a great way to improve when you lose easily online against opponents your strength versus going to a tournament just to get crushed.

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