

You gotta laugh. Lichess sends you opponents with much higher ratings than yours, dooming you to defeat. Yes, you can refuse the pairing, but if you do it several times, you are blocked from playing. They send high raters to you most often after you have lost a game, rather than after you've won. Is that weird or what? In order not to be blocked, you accept the high-rated opponent, and of course you lose. Then Lichess tells you you did it on purpose. I want to say, "Well, don't send an opponent with a score 100 points higher than mine. Except you can't communicate with Lichess, there's no way to message them. Dumb, huh? And any comment made here they don't like they delete, saying its "Spamming." Sheesh. Welcome to the dictatorship.
@Checkingin said in #1:
> opponents with much higher ratings than yours ... I want to say, "Well, don't send an opponent with a score 100 points higher than mine.!
100 points higher rating is hardly "much higher". FYI: the way Glicko-2 is designed, the mean result between two opponents with rating difference of 100 should be approximately 0.64, i.e. when playing opponents with 100 points higher rating, you should be able, on average, to win one game out of three (or draw two).

Perhaps feeling "doomed to defeat" when seeing a bit higher number than yours is the real problem. Maybe you could try hiding the rating (either by config option or by enabling zen mode) and focusing on the game rather than on opponent's rating.
I think problem is that you are not very strong. So people of you strenth may not appear often enough at the same time to lobby for a game. Only one player 20 is at you strength or weaker. But you will get stronger quite quickly and this problem goes a way.

From your profile page I can see few abortions but those were pretty fairly matched. I guess the opponent aborted?
You should see it as an opportunity to become stronger. Why are you playing on the Internet if not to find strong opponents? You could play offline with your computer if you wanted to always win. In a game you aborted a while ago, with your opponent being 79 points stronger than you, you had a winning chance of about 40%, which is pretty reasonable. Stop being so scared and develop a learning mindset instead.
@Checkingin said in #1:
> You gotta laugh. Lichess sends you opponents with much higher ratings than yours, dooming you to defeat. Yes, you can refuse the pairing, but if you do it several times, you are blocked from playing. They send high raters to you most often after you have lost a game, rather than after you've won. Is that weird or what? In order not to be blocked, you accept the high-rated opponent, and of course you lose. Then Lichess tells you you did it on purpose. I want to say, "Well, don't send an opponent with a score 100 points higher than mine. Except you can't communicate with Lichess, there's no way to message them. Dumb, huh? And any comment made here they don't like they delete, saying its "Spamming." Sheesh. Welcome to the dictatorship.
I laughed because you told me to.
Oh, and, if you think this is a dictatorship, then tell me how can we become a democracy? You want us to hold polls like "Choose my opponent" or "Choose which engine you want", since these are pretty dumb.
Well thanks to everybody for being so kind and supportive. (Not)
The fact that advices are different from what you want to hear doesn't mean they are bad.

You seem to be stubbornly aborting any game as soon as you see a four digit number. Why? You win against a 993 rated opponent but when you see "1014", you abort in panic. Do you really think 21 points of rating make so much difference? Come on, that's an amount you can lose (or gain) easily with one stupid blunder. Funny enough, you are aborting games against opponents with blitz rating lower than your rapid rating ever was (and than your blitz rating was two years ago).

Personally, I find playing against significantly stronger opponents (meaning 200-300 points higher rating, not 100) rather liberating. I don't have to worry that I'm supposed to win, I just do my best and as long as I don't make a complete fool out of myself, there is nothing to be ashamed of when I lose. On the contrary, I often feel better about games lost against stronger opponents than about some wins against weaker ones. And even if you are worried about your rating, there is no need to: losing against higher rated opponents does not harm it much (but you can earn quite a lot if you win or draw).
@mkubecek said in #8:
> You seem to be stubbornly aborting any game as soon as you see a four digit number.
Just realised, @Checkingin you will receive a temporary ban (of 30 minutes at first) which will avoid you from playing any games if you abort to much. So abort knowingly in real situations. Although if you listen to me, I personally say don't abort at all even if it is a 1300 opponent. I mean its not like you can go any less in rating, you can only move up the ladder. So try to move up and not go down (which you cant)

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