
Will Lichess recycle old usernames?

Many attractive lichess usernames are taken by accounts which have been inactive for more than 5 years. Many of these accounts have played only a handful of games, while some of them have never been used to play a game at all.

For example:

@Lapse (5 years)
@coolguy (9 years)
@helloworld (10 years)

Does lichess have any intention to free up old usernames?
<Comment deleted by user>
I wish. Someone grabbed my usual name(the one I have been playing under online for decades) on here before I joined, played for about a month and then went inactive. But the way the lichess database works, it would be a very hard problem to change who a name refers to.
<Comment deleted by user>
if coolguy is taken, just make koolguy or coolgu,v
maybe coolguy123 is available?
or use cool_active_guy as to not get mixed up with the inactive coolguy

gl and be cool
<Comment deleted by user>
Yes, I agree. They should execute the command, "DELETE FROM users WHERE active = IS NULL", if they use MySQL database. I am starving for the name, @ornicar.
Yeah i mean it is kind of dumb. If you look up any random chess word, say Justresign or blindfold or GrobMaster or Bongcloud its almost always going to be owned by some guy who made an account in 2012 and has played less than 5 games. That or they violated ToS. It's a real shame because it took me actual ages to come up with a username that wasnt taken for my blindfold account that had the word blindfold in it.

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