
TCWC Scheduling

Coverage of Chess_Poems vs FM UnholyCrusade is LIVE on youtube!

Throw this on and leave a quick like & comment!

Thanks ツ and keep your match times coming. Will cover everything I can!
By the way, the matches are as follows:

@FireIguana vs @ChessStrawberry2020 (Winner goes on to play champblair, which winner of that match goes on to play UnholyCrusade)
@politeia vs @LuukDeGrote
@blitzbullet vs @FischyVishy
@Troubadix_18 vs @CyberShredder (Winner goes on to play Statham_13)
@Vinnyy123 vs @molusi (Winner goes on to play Ksipil)
@r2300 vs @gengobandchess (Winner goes on to play Chess_Poems)
@atharva_baviskar vs @Radio-Scacchi (Winner goes on to play RexFex)
@jasonparas vs @Hulscher1979 (Winner goes on to play MahendraBK)
@Sarthak_02 vs @Spundflasche (Winner goes on to play S_C_I)
@TahSatranc vs @ReChesster
@DrGrunkestein vs @Ericahhhhhhh (Winner goes on to play KAVISHVARAN)

Players who don't necessarily have to play their match, but may choose to:
@Ukranian_BishOps vs @TheForkPower
@Minami373Hamabe vs @Stephanie_s_Symphony
@wamurezi vs @Ethoneeee
@DaSlurpyNinja vs @e-pluszak
@NotATopSecretAccount vs @Holden16
@Philipp112009 vs @Parkour1

Waiting for their matches: Tsilboy, XxNoeXx, SandiSladoledar, LiamCleryChess, Aryan_Rahimpour_2004, Dumbeldore, TommyShelbi1899

If you have any difficulties, feel free to message me or @oruro
my opponent closed their account, would that result in a forfeit?

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