
Am I dreaming or what??

So I am watching Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland 2024: Day 2 . Please go to youtube and find the video, it was streamed by Saint Louis Chess Club.
Gukesh white plays Magnus. Please go to 4:11:10. Gukesh just moved Qd7.
And now Jovanka and Yasser go to deep analysis and even Magnus is in deep thought, and he's thinking, and thinking and thinking and after more than 1 minute plays Kh7???
I saw the winning move for Magnus after 10 seconds, and I think every average amateur player would find the same move as quickly, especially if you had seen the two previous moves. I just can't believe that neither the two experts or Magnus couldn't see it. Please check this one and tell me what you think. Am I not seeing well?
I watched the video about 90 seconds into it, and was just as clueless as the commentators and Magnus. After looking at the position for a few extra minutes, I think I found the winning idea, but have not checked with an engine yet and so I do not know if it is really correct. Certainly the win is far from obvious to me.

Here is a link to the video for those who want to test themselves:
Thank you. Ok, I'll show the winning move, but you not seeing it might mean I made some error.
Instead of Kh7(???), the obvious winning move is Bd3+ . The only move white has is to give up his queen for the bishop: Qxd3;
And that's it. Black is completely winning.
It's just driving me crazy that no one saw it, and it's such an easy move to see, especially taking into account the two previous moves: Bc6 to attack white queen and B e4 to prepare check-mate.
So either I'm dreaming or I don't see something ?
@AnatolijKasparov said in #3:
> Thank you. Ok, I'll show the winning move, but you not seeing it might mean I made some error.
> Instead of Kh7(???), the obvious winning move is Bd3+ . The only move white has is to give up his queen for the bishop: Qxd3;
> And that's it. Black is completely winning.
> It's just driving me crazy that no one saw it, and it's such an easy move to see, especially taking into account the two previous moves: Bc6 to attack white queen and B e4 to prepare check-mate.
> So either I'm dreaming or I don't see something ?
Bd3+ Ke1
what is your follow-up after white responds with Ke1? Qxd3 is not the "only move white has."

after most next moves, white still has the possible Qe8+, maybe picking up a stray bishop on e3. or maybe I'm missing something.
@Heuss4726Player said in #4:
> Bd3+ Ke1

Ah my god, indeed :) . Was staring and rechecking for half an hour and didn't see it. Everything is ok with the universe. Thank you
@AnatolijKasparov said in #6:
> Ah my god, indeed :) . Was staring and rechecking for half an hour and didn't see it. Everything is ok with the universe. Thank you

Having blind spots happens !
I get you thought the humans may have made an error but for some reason you thought that Gukesh would have to give up a queen for a bishop and the computer only had that as a 2.8 advantage for Magnus.
even super gms miss things occasionally, especially after 2 or 3 hours at the board, but, I would ask myself, what is the likelihood magnus, the 2 or 3 commentators and their engine companion would all miss something I found in 10 seconds.

that happens to me quite often when I watch a GM play blitz online, I see a strong move but the GM doesn't play it, I think wow I'm smarter than a GM. less than a second later reality smacks me in the face and I go back and pause and study the position a bit longer and try to find why the move I thought was so good was actually a blunder, and it always is.

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