
Inhuman speed challenge

Hello all lichess community, especially ultra bullet players!
I am here today with a challenge for anyone who has the courage to attempt it with me or among yourselves.
Here is the idea.
Two players who think they are fast will play a casual ultra bullet game with one another, subject to the following rules.
1. Neither player is to attack the other player, this is not about winning
2. Both players are to try and be non invasive of the other players side of the board so as not to disturb ability to make premoves
3. Both players are to play as fast as they possibly can!
4. You must make sure to avoid draw by 50 move rule and or repetition
5. After one player runs out of time, send me the game via Private message and I will post your AMPS(Average moves per second), and tell if it is a record.

Good luck all. Ready, set, GO!

Current record 11.44 AMPS
So it is about making random moves on our side of the board as fastest as we can?

I mean something like this: 1. e3 e6 2. Be2 Be7 3. d3 d6 4. Kd2 Kd7
5. c3 Bf6 6. Kc2 e5 7. f3 g6 8. g3 Bg7
9. h3 h6 10. Qd2 Qe7 11. b3 b6 12. Kb2 a6
13. Na3 Bf8 14. Nc2 Ra7 15. Rb1 Ra8 16. Rh2
@IAmMateCheckMate , correct. There need not be any intelligence behind your move. All you are trying to do is move as fast as possible until one of you runs out of time.
I remember this challenge by chesstroll, but actually this can be refreshed and that record idea would be interesting.

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