
Who will they replace Biden with before the election?

@NaturalBornTraveller Your comment was just an incoherent collection of random brainfarts. You have no point to make and your senseless rant leads nowhere interesting. And you also display no knowledge of policy or US politics.
@spindriftdrinker said in #74:

Actually, I can.

JAN 19 2021
“We also got tax cuts, the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country, by far.”

(Nope, it was the eighth largest.)

JAN 19 2021
“We just got seventy five million votes. And that's a record in the history of in the history of sitting presidents.”

(No, Biden got 81 million.)

JAN 19 2021
“One of the things we're very, very proud of is the selection of almost three hundred federal judges and three great Supreme Court justices.That's a very big number. That's a record-setting number.”

(Bill Clinton holds the record.)

JAN 19 2021
“We took care of the vets, 91 percent approval rating.”

(The 91% came from Obama's presidency. Trump's actual number is 82%.)

JAN 18 2021
“Together with millions of hardworking patriots across this land, we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country.”

(You're welcome to say that this doesn't belong here because it's an opinion that can be subjective - but really now, Trump?)

JAN 18 2021
“Our agenda was not about right or left. It wasn't about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation.”

I'm going to quote Washington Post on this one:

"This is a line that actually never appeared in Trump’s campaign speeches. Instead, he constantly attacked Democrats as a force of evil. 'Remember this it's all Democrat run cities, radical left Democrats, Democrats,' he said at Oct 31 rally. 'You look at what's going on all Democrat run cities. Republicans have no problems, our cities are doing great.' At a Jan. 4 rally, Trump declared that Democrats will 'turn our entire country into one giant sanctuary for criminal aliens, setting loose tens of thousands of dangerous offenders and putting MS-13 gang members straight into your children's schools.' On Nov. 4, Trump said: 'Joe Biden is a globalist who spent 47 years outsourcing your jobs, opening your borders, and sacrificing American blood and treasure on ridiculous, endless foreign wars. Most of you have never even heard of some of these countries.... A vote for Biden is a vote to give control of government over to the globalist, Communist, Socialist, the wealthy, liberal, hypocrites who want to silence, censor, cancel, and punish you.'"

JAN 18 2021
“We imposed historic and monumental tariffs on China....Billions and billions of dollars were pouring into the U.S.”

(The US actually lost money to the tariffs.)

JAN 18 2021
“America outperformed other countries economically because of our incredible economy and the economy that we built.”

(False, the US actually lagged behind China in some places, but you can debate this.)

JAN 18 2021
“We passed VA choice.”

(He signed the MISSION Act. The VA Choice law was passed by Obama in 2014.)

Of course, we are welcome to look at more if you would like!
@spindriftdrinker said in #82:
> @NaturalBornTraveller Your comment was just an incoherent collection of random brainfarts. You have no point to make and your senseless rant leads nowhere interesting. And you also display no knowledge of policy or US politics.

Are you just here to attack everyone that doesn't agree 100% with you?

You ask for proof, and then you deny said proof on the basis that someone isn't in the same country as you. Now this.

Look, you're welcome to show your knowledge of policy and US politics that we're all missing :) Although to be honest, I think you're just trolling us at this point.
@Noflaps said in #80:
> So you don't think Americans are stupid, then? You meant to imply, through sarcasm, the opposite -- that they are not?
I never liked the word stupid. Everyone has their talents.
I never judge or generalize people, regarding where they are from.
It doesn't matter.
Stupid or smart doesn't matter.
Educated or not... Doesn't matter.
Skin color, sexuality, personal belief... All this doesn't matter.
I only judge people, if I deem them good or not.
Are they, as an individual, a good and kind person.
This is all that matters to me.
Everything else is just a joke.
@spindriftdrinker said in #82:
> @NaturalBornTraveller Your comment was just an incoherent collection of random brainfarts.
> You have no point to make
> and your senseless rant leads nowhere interesting.
> And you also display no knowledge of policy or US politics.
... wow, you wrote four different sentences, all saying the same/similar thing. You really wanted to get your point across ;-)

I get it, you are all so sensitive. I apologize.
@NaturalBornTraveller The fact that you think all four sentences say the same thing merely speaks to your weak English skills. Maybe use google translate to danish next time?

And don't apologize. I remember when I had my first beer. I sounded kind of like you.
@spindriftdrinker I've lived in the US my whole life and can attest that when he says they mean the same thing, he is correct.

And by the way, most Danes speak English. :)
@greenteakitten said in #89:
> And by the way, most Danes speak English. :)
Well obviously. I mean we helped cultivate England and teach them their current language.

Which reminds me... There is an alternative solution.
It doesn't have to be Trump or Biden!
There is a third way... No I don't mean the Libertarian Party. (Although that would be preferable)

You could recant your past mutiny and bend the knee to the English royal house :-D
King Charles, King of the English, Scottish, welsh and the Americans