
I'm just a poor boy from a poor family...

so why don't we have optional adds on lichess for those who want to support it financially but can't donate their hard-earned dollars. There would be a switch in settings to turn adds on or off.
LOL Given your previous posts it seems you really love to do everything possible to contribute to lichess, short of actually being helpful in any meaningful way.

Why do you think you can help anyone if you optionally have a few ads in the corner of your screen ? This is not how advertisement works.
Thank you @janosopeligroso its a pity @Goodgame1 can only troll and complain but not understand how advertisement works. It would be very simple to implement, advertisers don't care whether the customer chooses to see them or not (you could say anybody not using Adblock has chosen to have adds).
All they care about is the customer seeing something relevant then clicking on it.

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