
Any Book Recommendations on Improving Dynamic Play?

As the subject suggests, I want a book recommendation on improving my dynamic/attacking play (handling the initiative, attack on opposite side castled kings, etc). I have 3-4 hrs per week on devoting chess, rated around 2100 rapid lichess (My account says I am 2260 rapid but I think it's overrated, I don't play that good). Also if possible it should be under 15$ (US dollar). If any other information is needed I will provide it. Thank you for your replies in advance.
If you don't want to invest money, or just preview books for free before you buy them, check out Online Library:

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Old but still good, I think:

More modern, but probably does not meet the standard of quality you are looking for:

Mikhail Tal understood dynamic, attacking chess better than perhaps any other master before him... why not learn from his games:
A true classic!

Edit: The Mihai Suba book is also there:

Hope you find something useful!

Sidenote: Online Library have all sorts of books, not just chess... it is a fantastic resource, if you don't mind doing your reading on screen.
@userfriendly2 said in #6:
> Anyone actually study this book here and if so what were the takeaways for you? Did you enjoy it. Did it help you improve etc?

Indeed, I did enjoy. Very witty! New ideas & more.

Suba is my role model, the Grandfather of the Hedgehog.

PS: Improvement? I have read 50 books and none of them helped me to improve. They were fun though.
Boring positions are not dynamic positions. So you want to play in a way that is the opposite of boring.
Boring play can arrive from locking up the chessboard into few candidate moves. The spectators can easily guess at what will be your next move. The dynamic play has multiple active candidate choices. You might not want to use pre-moves because you cannot guess at what the next move would be. If you have more opening theory, more strategic mobility, more tactical activity, more short term plans, then you are playing more dynamically than your opponent and so you are playing dynamically compared to your opponent. If two players are playing dynamically, then the game is a dynamic game, with lots of candidate choices.

Dynamic chess

Chess Praxis by Aron Nimzowitsch

When looking for excerpts from chess books add the word excerpt in the search with the title of the chess book. That way you will see something inside the chess book. It helps seeing what you play on buying.

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