
1st Classical Chess Championship, multi-stage Challenge.

Once paired there Is a week of time to play the match , the two players agree when tò play. Is It right?
@Allonsanfan said in #12:
> Once paired there Is a week of time to play the match , the two players agree when tò play. Is It right?
Yea you sort a time and play at that time is what I'm guessing.
@BlingGamer said in #14:
> Yea you sort a time and play at that time is what I'm guessing.

Yes, you set a time with the other player and then play at that time—one week per match.
@Dude128 said in #15:
> Yes, you set a time with the other player and then play at that time—one week per match.
Is this like a lichess4545 league style of playing
@Zoro-Onigiri said in #16:
> Is this like a lichess4545 league style of playing
Yeah, they run something similar from what I understand.

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