

I always see the inscription "reconnecting" at the top of the page. Help me, I cant play
The same topic is here(in spanish though) All that I can say is:
1. See if it's your internet connection or your computer. (see if other computers work on that connection)
2. See if YouTube and other web sites that require big outputs to work work.
3. Try to play longer games or at times when the site isn't giving you too much lip.

That's all I got.
I have very good connection and problems only at this site. I just cant enter the game, course when I click - nothing happens
Did you try another browser?
Maybe its something to do with websockets or whatever?
What is your ping range (min and max) at the bottom of the page?
There is the same problems in another browsers. Browser settings seem to be okay. Ping is not defined:
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Ping: ?
Please use this site to check if your browser supports websockets (a webbrowser feature lichess uses). And share your "Result ID" here.

It could also be the case that your browser supports websockets but it gets blocked if you are behind some firewall
Thanks for making the test. According to the result URL you provided you use the Opera browser.

I did a quick test with Opera and had the same issue as you. Couldn't play and got the red Reconnecting warning.

I was able to identify the source of the problem. It's a minor bug in the code of lichess. I already submitted a bug report and proposed a fix for it here (you can follow progress on this issue here

So I guess once thibault returns from his holidays this will get fixed (properly)

In the meantime you could copy the following line, open a window with the lichess homepage, then paste it into your URL-bar and hit enter, then reload the page and you should be able to play.

javascript:var language = window.location.hostname.split(".")[0]; window.localStorage.setItem("surl", "socket."+language+"");
It seems this error (at least in my case) happens ONLY when I do not have a Google account. I had one and had no errors. When I deleted my Google account, I had the reconnecting error on lichess and couldn't move pieces on the analysis board. I resigned up to a Google account and voila' , no more reconnection error red letters and no problems moving pieces. So it's Google who is the bad guy here.
Since 2 years nothing happened and the same problem again and again...

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