
I am scared

My opponent in my last few games was quitting games unnecesarily, like losing on purpose. He then challenged me i accepted, and he did the same thing, he asked for rematch but i quickly declined and reported him, Does winning so many games, ban me? Or does losing so many games ban him? I am scared now please it is so urgent.
It is ok! You are fine man for having no points on him free.
The security team take care of it I sure.
You are safe and even if you get banned than you can show the proof
It's fine.

What gets you (in general; not specifically anyone here) banned is: unfair play and **intentionally** losing (rated) games to lower one's rating (and gain unfair entry into a rating-restricted tournament).
My opponent isn't banned yet. Any moderators out there?

Well, my account is safe then.
Thanks to above answers
@because_checkmate said in #5:
> I find him in challenge and rematch him many times to be sure he is bad man.

Glad you didn't say:
"I find him in challenge and rematch him many times to be sure he is Batman."

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